Young Artist Finds Inspiration Through Recycling

Here at the new Sky Strategic Marketing office we were in search of something to fill our empty walls, something that would give us creativity and inspiration. Local Architect Michael Muroff visited our office with his bright and wonderful daughters, Danica 14 and Alex 12 . As we began to talk, we learned that Danica has loved art since she was a little girl. What was most impressive is the way Danica incorporates recycled materials into her artwork.

Danica draws inspiration from items that are often times tossed out, including bottle caps in many of her paintings, as well as using discarded animal bones and a broken taillight in one sculpture.

Danica’s work is also inspiring to those who are so passionate about our global community. That includes Founder and CEO of Sky Strategic Marketing Tanya Cielo. Tanya was very impressed with Danica’s art technique and her passion for re-purposing items that would typically go into a landfill.

“I’m obsessed with recycling and to see that same passion in someone so young, it gives me hope for the environment,” says Tanya.

Danica’s artwork exhibits the younger generations ability to be socially conscious of the world they inhabit.

She has found ways to be innovative through her artwork. Through a design technique called Zentangle she creates unique pieces. Zentangle is an abstract technique that combines an array of shapes, lines, and dots.

“When using the Zentangle design you have to be very precise and take your time with it,” says Danica.

“There are times when I make mistakes, but I embrace that, and keep moving forward”

That is a powerful and relatable statement even if you are not artistic. Life is full of mistakes and regrettable moments. But what is most important is how you over come those moments, learn from them, and create your own metaphorical Picasso.

Her father Michael, is in full support of Danica and her creative endeavors. He feels it is especially important as many districts are cutting art and music programs because of budget cuts.

“As a professional in an artistic industry, I think it’s a shame for schools to limit art,” says Michael. “Art is a great way to blend science, math, and expression.”

VISIT HERE to learn more about Michael’s architectural firm.

As a teenager, Danica already has the right mindset of a young artist. She observers the world around her carefully, soaking up every moment with interest, and is able to express goodness and kindness through her work. Danica was generous by giving us some artwork for our office space. When people see these original Eco-Friendly-Zentangle paintings we hope they are reminded of the world and how important it is to our younger and future generations.

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Photo of two girls stanfing infront of art in the office
Michael Murnoff and daughters in group photo at the office